Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Any good self-improvement books to recommend?? - General ...

I don't mean books specifically tailored towards Aspergers, like "Aspergers on the Job" or that sort of thing...but rather, books that you have found helpful to overcome some of your challenges. For me, Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was a great read - my Dad recommended this to me in the late 90s shortly before my Dx - and I found a lot of valuable lessons that I was able to put into practice. Such as, the power of praise, being discrete about tcertain things, how to deal with situations perceived as unfair in a tactful manner, and avoiding correcting those who stated something incorrectly (esp. in front of their peers and what not). These were lessons I could, and did, apply well b/c they didn't necessarily involve spontaneous processing of the big picture / situations, so I could handily incorporate them into my behaviours.

That book has been around for a while, but its lessons are still very much valid. Very Happy

Another one I haven't yet read, but mean to someday, is Stephen Covey's 7 Habits. The one in particular about "Begin with the end in mind" and "put first things first" could help with executive dysfunction or being guided by the "why" of a situation (but again, maybe not so much the dynamic or spontaneous/unplanned aspects of it).

Granted, many of these self-improvement books are written with neurotypical audiences in mind, but I believe there is always some lesson to be garnered which is applicable to us Aspies. Since we have an innate love of learning. It's just applying the knowledge that can be tricky sometimes.

So, if you have any such book recommendations in mind (and how they helped you) - I'd love to hear your recoms & opinions!!

Source: http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt216368.html

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